洞察行業(yè)資訊 分享專(zhuān)業(yè)知識
洞察行業(yè)資訊 分享專(zhuān)業(yè)知識
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隨著(zhù)光伏陣列的老化,系統性能可能因眾多潛在原因而下降。有些原因是可以預見(jiàn)的,比如污染損耗和陣列的長(cháng)期退化。還有一些則可能是意外情況,比如旁路二極管故障或模塊破裂等。由于 I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀能夠記錄光伏源的所有電流和電壓工作點(diǎn),這使得它具備識別光伏系統性能下降的各種癥狀的獨特能力。每個(gè)光伏模塊的數據表都會(huì )提供一個(gè)模型 I-V 曲線(xiàn),它會(huì )展示在標準測試條件 (STC) 下,該模塊各種可能的工作或負載電流和電壓組合。當實(shí)際測量的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)在高度、寬度或形態(tài)上與預測的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)(即基于模型 I-V 曲線(xiàn)預測,并根據實(shí)際輻照度和溫度條件調整后的曲線(xiàn))存在顯著(zhù)偏差時(shí),這種偏差的性質(zhì)能夠為查明潛在的性能問(wèn)題提供線(xiàn)索。利用像 Fluke Solmetric PVA-1500 這樣的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀,我們能夠更有效地檢測光伏系統性能下降的癥狀。Fluke Solmetric PVA 1500 V 光伏分析儀套件,配備 Fluke SolSensor光伏系統故障排除的安全考慮事項在使用電氣系統時(shí),安全性是首要考慮的因素。為了保障安全,必須理解光伏系統的構造和工作原理,使用符合額定值的測試設備,并嚴格遵守 NFPA 70E 等安全標準。相較于其他測試方法,使用像 Fluke Solmetric PVA-1500 這樣的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀能提高安全性,因為它允許我們在進(jìn)行測試時(shí),無(wú)需將電路置于逆變器負載下?;緶y試過(guò)程在商業(yè)和公用事業(yè)規模的光伏系統中,通常會(huì )在電氣隔離的匯流箱中來(lái)測量 I-V 曲線(xiàn)的軌跡。舉例來(lái)說(shuō),如果區域級監控器或無(wú)人機紅外測溫儀顯示匯流箱性能有所下降,I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀可以立即將其標記出來(lái)以便開(kāi)展檢查。在進(jìn)行隔離之后,先進(jìn)行目視檢查,然后繪制 I-V 曲線(xiàn),就可以識別出性能下降的源電路。經(jīng)過(guò)校準的性能測量包括在陣列的正面安裝輻照度傳感器,并在模塊的背面安裝溫度傳感器。每個(gè)光伏源電路都會(huì )進(jìn)行單獨的測試,整個(gè)流程僅需 10 到 15 秒,而所有的數據都會(huì )以電子方式保存。標準的形態(tài)及性能為了在現場(chǎng)識別性能問(wèn)題,需要建立一個(gè)比較標準。在進(jìn)行故障排除時(shí),您可以利用相鄰光伏源電路的測量值來(lái)進(jìn)行對比。不過(guò),通常會(huì )使用模塊的銘牌數據作為性能比較的依據,特別是當您需要對性能進(jìn)行長(cháng)期基準測試時(shí)。在執行 I-V 曲線(xiàn)測試之前,您需要先確定要測試的模塊,以及要將多少個(gè)模塊串聯(lián)或并聯(lián)。根據這些數據以及其他設置輸入,軟件會(huì )計算在標準測試條件下預期的性能特征,如 Isc、Imp、Voc、Vmp 和 Pmp。由于現場(chǎng)條件與工廠(chǎng)測試條件往往存在差異,I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀會(huì )采用數學(xué)模型來(lái)綜合考慮現場(chǎng)的實(shí)際輻照度和溫度條件,并生成被測光伏源電路或模塊的 I-V 預測曲線(xiàn)和的最大功率預測值。當光伏源電路或模塊處于正常工作狀態(tài)時(shí),其 I-V 曲線(xiàn)會(huì )呈現出標準的形態(tài)。此外,曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀根據 I-V 數據計算得出的最大輸出功率額定值將非常接近預測的最大功率值。在這種情況下,我們使用性能因子 (PF) 來(lái)量化實(shí)際測量的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)與預測曲線(xiàn)之間的一致程度。一致程度以百分比形式進(jìn)行報告,并通過(guò)測量和預測的最大功率值 (PMP) 進(jìn)行計算,具體公式為:PF =(實(shí)際測量的PMP ÷ 預測的 PMP)× 100。若曲線(xiàn)形態(tài)正常,且性能因子維持在 90% 至 100% 的范圍內,這表明光伏源電路或模塊處于正常工作狀態(tài),不存在嚴重遮擋或污染問(wèn)題。...
要對光伏系統的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)進(jìn)行分析,我們可以使用 I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀,將實(shí)際測量的曲線(xiàn)與標準曲線(xiàn)或預測曲線(xiàn)進(jìn)行對比,同時(shí)綜合考慮各種環(huán)境因素,比如遮擋和溫度等?!肮夥嚵泄收吓懦鞒虉D”是一份詳盡的綜合指南,它是根據豐富的現場(chǎng)實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗、光伏模塊可靠性方面的文獻,以及國家可再生能源實(shí)驗室 (NREL) 的專(zhuān)家建議編制而成。Fluke Solmetric PVA-1500 等 I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀可為識別光伏系統中的硬件性能問(wèn)題提供詳盡的洞察。但是,遮擋、污染、輻照度、溫度以及測量技術(shù)等因素會(huì )使光伏性能測量過(guò)程變得復雜。圖中顯示了本文探討的六種 I-V 曲線(xiàn)偏離情況。我們按照流程圖中所呈現的順序,對這些偏離情況進(jìn)行了編號。采集一份有效的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)首先,驗證測試是否返回了有效的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)。如果沒(méi)有,請確保測試導線(xiàn)連接正確。如果測試導線(xiàn)連接正確,則可能是源電路不完整。請檢查是否已安裝串聯(lián)保險絲,并檢查其通斷性。如果串聯(lián)保險絲出現故障,那么問(wèn)題可能出在源電路的接線(xiàn)上。在測試出現故障的模塊之前,建議先檢查模塊之間的連接是否斷開(kāi),并尋找任何損壞的跡象,如燒毀痕跡等。在極少數情況下,測試所返回的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)會(huì )顯示出垂直下降或向下的狹窄尖峰。出現這種情況的原因可能是間歇性電氣互連故障,例如測試引線(xiàn)受到擠壓或對接接頭壓接不當。如果間歇性連接問(wèn)題出現在光伏源電路中,需要將其隔離并進(jìn)行必要的修復。標準的形態(tài)和性能針對現場(chǎng)性能問(wèn)題,我們需要建立一個(gè)比較標準,這個(gè)標準通?;谀K銘牌數據或鄰近電路的測量結果。像 Fluke Solmetric PVA-1500 這樣的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀會(huì )利用軟件來(lái)預測標準測試條件下的性能特征,并根據現場(chǎng)環(huán)境進(jìn)行相應的調整。如果是標準的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)形態(tài)且性能因子在 90% 到 100% 之間,則通常表明光伏源電路或模塊處于正常工作狀態(tài)。識別 I-V 曲線(xiàn)偏離情況I-V 曲線(xiàn)可能出現多種偏離情況,而導致這些偏離情況的原因有多種。這些偏離情況可能表現為曲線(xiàn)上出現階梯或鋸齒,這通常意味著(zhù)存在電流不匹配的問(wèn)題,可能由遮陽(yáng)或電池單元損壞等問(wèn)題引起。1. 階梯狀 I-V 曲線(xiàn)I-V 曲線(xiàn)上有鋸齒或階梯,這是第一種偏離情況,通常與測試電路中的電流不匹配有關(guān)。當旁路二極管被激活并繞過(guò)功率較弱或光照較少的電池單元時(shí),I-V 曲線(xiàn)上就會(huì )出現階梯。階梯的數量和寬度會(huì )隨遮擋的程度和范圍而發(fā)生變化。電流不匹配可能由多種情況引起,包括不均勻的污染、部分遮擋、電池單元或電池單元串損壞,以及旁路二極管短路等。2. 短路電流低只有 Isc 低于預期值,I-V 曲線(xiàn)的其他數據都正常。這種情況可能是由于操作失誤、輻照度測量不準確、遮擋、污染或模塊性能問(wèn)題所引起的??紤]到這些問(wèn)題有些是可以糾正的,所以在故障排除流程圖中,將這種偏離情況排在了較為靠前的第二位。3. 開(kāi)路電壓低故障排除流程圖中的第三種偏離情況是 Voc 偏低。電池溫度測量不正確最可能導致 Voc 偏低。此外,在某些測試條件下,遮擋也可能降低 Voc。硬件問(wèn)題也可能是原因之一。但是,鑒于開(kāi)路電壓是所有光伏模塊參數中老化最慢的參數之一,在斷定電池單元退化與低 Voc 之間存在因果關(guān)系之前,您應仔細權衡其他原因。4. 拐點(diǎn)過(guò)于圓滑拐點(diǎn)比預期更圓滑是第四種 I-V 曲線(xiàn)偏離情況的特點(diǎn)。通常很難判斷拐點(diǎn)過(guò)于圓滑是明確的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)變形,還是曲線(xiàn)斜率變化所產(chǎn)生的錯覺(jué)。拐點(diǎn)圓滑可能是老化過(guò)程的一種體現。您需要重新測試和長(cháng)期監測電路以識別和跟蹤趨勢。5. 電壓比低I-V 曲線(xiàn)垂直段的斜率低于預期值是第五種 I-V 曲線(xiàn)偏離情況的特征。您可以通過(guò)直觀(guān)地比較實(shí)際測量的曲線(xiàn)與預測曲線(xiàn),或者對比整個(gè)組串測量中的電壓比值來(lái)檢測這種情況。但前提是,這些曲線(xiàn)不應存在因不匹配效應而產(chǎn)生的階梯。電壓比的計算公式如下:VMP ÷ VOC。電壓比這個(gè)指標可以非常好地識別在 I-V 曲線(xiàn)垂直段具有非典型斜率的組串。6. 電流比低I-V 曲線(xiàn)水平段的斜率高于預期值是第六種,也就是最后一種 I-V 曲線(xiàn)偏離情況的特征。您可以通過(guò)直觀(guān)地比較實(shí)際測量的曲線(xiàn)與預測曲線(xiàn),或者對比整個(gè)組串測量中的電流比值來(lái)檢測這種情況。但前提是,這些曲線(xiàn)不應存在因不匹配效應而產(chǎn)生的階梯。電流比的計算公式如下:IMP ÷ ISC 電流比這個(gè)指標可以非常好地識別在 I-V 曲線(xiàn)水平段具有非典型斜率的組串。在查找硬件問(wèn)題之前,請確保已經(jīng)排除遮擋、污染以及輻照度測量錯誤。使用 I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀進(jìn)行故障排除像 Fluke Solmetric PVA-1500 這樣的 I-V 曲線(xiàn)繪圖儀在光伏系統故障排除過(guò)程中扮演著(zhù)至關(guān)重要的角色。它們不僅能夠提供識別問(wèn)題的詳盡數據,而且還能夠協(xié)助記錄和監控隨時(shí)間變化的系統性能。為了有效地排除光伏系統故障,我們需要對硬件和環(huán)境因素有全面的了解。通過(guò)使用諸如 Fluke Solmetric PVA-1500 之類(lèi)的先進(jìn)工具,并遵循上述的結構化方法,可以顯著(zhù)提高診斷和解決光伏系統性能問(wèn)題的準確性和效率。...
Versiv? Release Notes for Version 6.11 Build 2 (November 2023)This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer?, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? modules, FI-1000 FiberInspector? Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector? Ultra. Instructions on how to update your units can be found hereNOTE: ? You MUST use LinkWare PC 11.3 or later to be fully compatible with Versiv? Version 6.11. ? You MUST use Versiv Version 6.9 or later to be compatible with newly manufactured DSX-8000 modules. ? You MUST use Versiv Version 6.10 or laterV6.11 Build 2 Features/EnhancementsCable / Spec Database Changes:Added LimitsEN MTPLIEC 14763-3:2024 DraftJIS X5153Superior Essex PowerWise? 1G and 10GUpdated LimitsJIS (+All) now equivalent to ISO limits for TCL on shielded cablesRemoved obsolete TIA-568.3-D-1Added Cables:3C3EkivalanTKMWindy City WireUpdated Cables:Removed obsolete TrueCables folderUpdated Berk-Tek and Leviton cablesUpdated HCS-DataLink cables Versiv? Release Notes for Version 6.9 Build 2 (April 2023)NOTE:You MUST use LinkWare PC 11.2 or later be compatible with Versiv? (TFS) Version 6.9.You MUST use Versiv Version 6.9 or later to be compatible with newly manufactured DSX-8000 modules.V6.9 Build 2 Features/EnhancementsCable / Spec Database Changes:LimitsISO MPTL (Modular Plug Terminated Link) and DAC (Direct Attach Channel) limits now report error for an incompatible LIA (Link Interface Adapter)Added Cables:ALANTEC S/FPT cat 7A (now under the A-LAN TECHNOLOGIE group)LUX (copper and fiber)RiT TechtrueCABLE Indoor and Outdoor & BurialUpdated Cables:GiganetVersiv? Release Notes for Version 6.8 Build 6 (October 2022)This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer?, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? modules, FI-1000 FiberInspector? Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector? Ultra. Instructions on how to update your units can be found hereNOTE: You MUST use LinkWare PC 11.2 or later be compatible with Versiv? (TFS) Version 6.8.V6.8 Build 6 Features/EnhancementsCable / Spec Database Changes:LimitsTIA-568.3-E fiber limits addedE2E Limits for 11801-3 Amd 1 addedISO/IEC TR 11801-9909 added25GBASE-T added (IEEE 802.3bq)40GBASE-T added (IEEE 802.3bq)Updated JIS X5150:2016 limits to JIS X5150:2021Updated CertiFiber Pro JIS X5150:2016 limit to same as ISO/IEC 14763-3:2014Belden Long Reach Limits added (please contact Belden for details)Updated TCL noise floor for TIA Cable (+All Limits)Added Cables:CERTECHCobiCablingDerwiserGaestopasHuber & SuhnerORCARSCCS2CEBTinifibertrueCableZVK EasylanZemecZhejiangUpdated Cables:AlantecBerk-TekBrand-Rex (Removed at request of Leviton)CleerlineEurolanExcelLevitonPaige Datacom/Game ChangerSuperior EssexEnhancements:When using the CertiFiber Pro set to bi-directional for LC, FC or ST, the tester will wait 3 seconds before automatically start testing again after the cables are swapped. We have increased this to 5 seconds for higher density panels, where it can take more than three seconds to fully engage the connector. To disable this feature, simply select General as the fiber connector type.Allow a 3-jumper reference for the IEC 14763-3 limitBug fixes:When selecting a CertiFiber Pro or OptiFiber Pro module, you don’t get a choice of End Type for the fiber inspection test - fixedOTDR bi-directional averaging incorrectly groups widely spaced losses – fixedOTDR can misreport launch event as a hidden event (rare) - fixedVersiv? Release Notes for Version 6.7 Build 1 (October 2021)This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer?, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? modules,FI-1000 FiberInspector? Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector? Ultra.Instructions on how to update your units can be found hereNOTE: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.9 or later be compatible with Versiv? (TFS) Version 6.7.V6.7 Build 1 Features/Enhancements? Resolves a hardware compatibility issue with new DSX-5000/DSX-8000 adaptersVersiv? Release Notes for Version 6.6 Build 2 (April 2021)This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer?, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? modules, FI-1000 FiberInspector? Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector? Ultra.Instructions on how to update your units can be found hereNOTE: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.8 to be compatible with Versiv? (TFS) Version 6.6New Features/Enhancements: Cable / Spec Database Changes: LimitsAdded Prysmian GenSpeed EfficienC limits Added Superior Essex limits Made TCL Info only for current ISO11801-9907 DA Class D, E, and Ea and added a (+ALL) optionUpdated MPTL (+PoE) limits to include pass/fail values for Loop Resistance Added ISO MPTL LimitsUpdated ISO 11801 Class D noise floors for NEXT and PSNEXT Corrected the TCL noise floor for TIA 100m (LA) (+ALL) Limits Updates to E2E limits to current Published versionCablesUpdated CommScope Copper cables Updated DINTEK cablesUpdated InfraLan cables Updated Krugel cables Updated LEONI Kerpen GmbH cables Updated QUBIX cablesAdjusted the NVP value on the cable ‘1150 S/FTP Kat7A Simplex 9301 1130’ from CobinetAdded Wavenet cablesAdded Resideo Genesis cables Added Amphenol FCI cables Added Excel cablesAdded Techline cables Added Emiter brand cablesVersiv? Release Notes for Version 6.5 Build 5 (February 2020)New Features/EnhancementsSingle fiber support for the FI-3000 FiberInspector? Ultra fiber inspection probeAllow Versiv Versiv1/Versiv2 testingAbility to measure power at 1490 nm or 1625 nm with CertiFiber ProCable / Spec Database Changes:Added Cleerline brand cablingAdded ORingNetworking (Turkey) cablesUpdated Belden cablesAdded Mohawk brand cablesAdded Nexans Industrial Ethernet cablesAdded new / updated current Korean Emblem standardsRestored the Cat xx Mod 1-Conn Perm. Link limitsLimitsCablesBug FixesFixed end face analysis when using the FI-1000 LCAPC bulkhead tipCorrected HDTDX graph for longer (~30 m) links on Cat8 testError is now generated if Custom Test Group is selected when doing coax testingCorrected Traditional Chinese translation of "Memory Status" in the Tools menuThreshold values no longer remain set after changing from manual to auto PON OTDRSplitter entries no longer remain set after changing from manual to auto PON OTDRDSX-602 Remote will now upgrade DSX-602 MainWire Map with crossover and shield short shows wrong pinoutsThe Wire Map for M12 connectors has the wrong pins identifiedUpdate the adhesive zone ring size for FiberInspector imagesFaultMap returns BAD LOSS THRESHOLD errorVersiv Release Notes for Version 6.4 Build 4 (October 2019)This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer?, DSX-602 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? modules, FI-1000 FiberInspector? Pro and FI-3000 FiberInspector? Pro.NOTE: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.4 to be compatible with Versiv (TFS) Version 6.4.New Features/EnhancementsSupport for the FI-3000 FiberInspector? Pro MPO fiber inspection probeCable / Spec Database Changes:Added Lan-Com's Gig-Lan cablesAdded SOLARIX cablesUpdated GIGAMEDIA (Conectis) cablesAdded "LEGRAND LCS" and rename "LEGRAND" to "LEGRAND ORTRONICS"Removed Cat xx Mod 1-Conn Perm. LinkBelden Long Reach Channel limit added to the Vendor groupCat8 TCL and ELTCTL limits updated to 568.2-D standardUpdated limits in the Aus-NZ Region Test GroupChanged CommScope Link Loss Calculator uncertainty value to 0.25 dB for multimode fiber products LimitsCablesBug FixesCorrected connector compensation when using the DSX-CHA-5-IX adapter with the following limitsISO 11801-9907 Class D/E/EACat 5e and Cat 6 Patch Cords|Removed warning when DSX-CHA-5-IX adapter is used with legitimate cross-connected adaptersCorrected the default coax limit on the DSX-600Corrected the SAMPLE wire map on Outlet Configuration screen when a shielded cable is selected Versiv Release Notes for Version 6.3 Build 3 (August 2019)This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? HDR modules, and FI‐7000.NOTE: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.3 to be compatible with Versiv (TFS) Version 6.3 Build 3.New Features/Enhancements:Introduction of the DSX-602Added German keyboard layoutCable / Spec Database Changes:LimitsAdded 5GBASE-T and 2.5GBASE-T limits to DSX-600/602Added ISO TR 11801-9907 Direct Attach limitsCorrected IEC 61300-3-35 ED.2 APCCablesAdded and amend CCM Cables database (new NVP values and two new cables)Updated Berk-Tek and Nexans cablesBug FixesOptiFiber Pro HDR event detection and measurement improvementsVersiv Release Notes for Version 6.2 Build 1 (May 2019)This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? HDR modules, and FI‐7000.NOTE: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.2 to be compatible with Versiv (TFS) Version 6.2 Build 1.1. New Features/EnhancementsCopper Single-Ended Spool testing support Improve OTDR auto-test performanceCable / Spec Database Changes:LimitsAdded limits for Ericsson RDS/DAS spec in Vendor folderAdd TCL and ELTCTL limits to the 100 m cable testing optionsCablesAdded manufacturer ICC cables to cable database2. Bug FixesReliability improvementsVersiv Release Notes for Version 6.1 Build 3 (Jan. 2019)This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐600 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? modules and FI‐7000.Instructions on how to update your units can be found here.NOTE: You MUST use LinkWare PC 10.1 to be compatible with Versiv (TFS) Version 6.1 Build 3.New Features / Enhancements:OTDR Span feature allows user to specify span over which limits applyOTDR Event editing feature allows user to change a Loss Event into an APC connectorM12 X-code channel adapter supportCable / Spec Database Changes:LimitsReordered the list of ISO classesAdded 10BASE-T1L limitsAdded TCL/ELTCTL to pass/fail of ISO PL and CH limits for screened cablingMoved BCT-B limits to 11801 and updatedAdded MPTL +PoE limitsUpdated first and last connector loss values to reflect new TIA-568.3-D-1 valuesCablesUpdated cables for TelegaertnerAdded Cat 8 cable from LevitonAdded copper cables from WirewerxChanged Norden folder nameUpdated cables for OCCAdded NEXXT Solutions cablesAdded Cat 8 cables from DatwylerBug Fixes:OptiFiber Pro HDR event detection and measurement improvementsAllow M12 D-code in applicable TIA limits and Profinet 2Pr E2E limitTransportation limits removed from DSX-600OTDR Event Map and trace plot correctionsRemoved Quick Test as an Averaging Time in Manual PON OTDR settingsImproved copper RL Channel measurementCorrected translation in CertiFiber Pro Korean fiber standardsImproved coax measurement using RG-11Corrected Cat6 Self-Test in DSX-8000Corrected launch/tail/loopback cord entry with “0,0” numeric formatReliability improvementsVersiv Release Notes for Version 6.0 Build 6 (Oct. 2018)You MUST install LinkWare PC 10.0 before updating your Versiv (TFS) to Version 6.0 Build 6.This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? modules and FI‐7000.Instructions on how to update your units can be found hereNew Features/EnhancementsOptiFiber Pro? HDR OTDRThe OptiFiber Pro? HDR OTDR is a high dynamic range OTDR suitable for testing single-mode passive optical networks. The OptiFiber Pro? HDR OTDR is the latest addition to the Versiv? Cable Certification Family, continuing the Fluke Networks tradition of designing products to help data communications installers more quickly, accurately and profitably achieve system acceptance for copper and fiber jobs.Optimized for FTTx/PON testing through splitters up to nx128High dynamic range up to 42 dBMultiple wavelengths support a variety of applications: 850, 1300, 1310, 1490,1550,1625 nmSplitter detection for automated discovery of splitters and their ratios. Up to three cascaded splitters may be found or manually configuredOptiFiber Pro? Series OTDRMacrobend detection when testing single-mode fibers with OTDROTDR Event Edit function provides the ability edit or add events – Add 0 dB events, such as perfect splices, not seen by the OTDR or change an event to the correct type: APC connector, a splice or loss event.OTDR Expert Manual mode, allows the user to quickly experiment with range, pulse width, averaging time and wavelength settings to uncover details of interestCable / Spec Database ChangeTIA 568.2-D / Draft ISO 61935-2 Patch CordUpdated to the latest published / proposed standards. Includes a reduction in NEXT requirement for the 36-45 pair combinationTIA 568D.2 / IEC 11801-1Update the ohmic noise floor for resistance unbalanced per current standardsKorean Emblem ChannelUpdated name of the Korean channel specsGameChanger? ChannelAdded the GameChanger? channel specs from Paige DatacomAdded / Updated cables from the following manufacturers.3MAcomeBrand-RexIDInfinilink TechnologiesLAPP-KabbelLevitonMolexNexansNordencoPaige DatacomRodgers CommunicationsSchrack TechnikSiemens SIMATICZVKBug FixesEnhanced limits for the shield integrity algorithmImproved keyboard performanceImproved response time as more projects are addedVersiv (TFS) Release Notes for Version 5.6 Build 5 (July 2018)You MUST install LinkWare PC 9.9 before updating your Versiv (TFS) to Version 5.6 Build 5.This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? modules, the FI‐7000 and DSX-600 CableAnalyzer? .Instructions on how to update your units can be found here.New Features / EnhancementsSupport for a new version of the GG45 adapter for the DSX-8000Cable / Spec Database ChangeJIS X5151 Fiber StandardISO 11801-9905 standardAdded +AllAdded +PoEExisting limits with +AllAdded +PoEUpdated spec names in the databaseGeneric Cat6A S/FTPAdded or updated cables from the following manufacturers:MMC Multimedia ConnectMolexVertical CableBKT ElektronikBetts Telecom (Voice 4 pair Test Limit)Hubbell (added copper cables / update fiber cables)CCMGeneral CablesFurukawaInfraLanDATWYLER (Update request)EFB Elektronik GmBUltimaNikomax LimitedCONNECTIXBug FixesLoss budget calculations for two and three jumper references were updated for the ANSI/TIA-568.3-DISO E2E limits are incorrectly applying the TCL and ELCTCL limits to screened cablingSet the default to "on" for Bi-directional tests in Smartloop OTDRAdded "Cat 7 S/FTP" to default 'last used' listSupport "Profinet 2pr E2E" Hybrid M12 RJ45 without warningVersiv (TFS) Release Notes for Version 5.5 Build 2 (March 2018)You MUST install LinkWare PC 9.9 before updating your Versiv (TFS) to Version 5.5 Build 2.This update covers the DSX‐8000 CableAnalyzer?, DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer?, CertiFiber Pro?, OptiFiber Pro? modules, the FI‐7000 and DSX-600 CableAnalyzer? .Instructions on how to update your units can be found here.New Features/EnhancementsImplemented loss budget calculator to simplify using the SYSTIMAX solutions from CommScopeAdded cables/limits for customers installing 4K HDBaseT solutions from BeldenAdded cable/limits for customers installing the PowerWise + Clarity solution from Legrand + Superior EssexSupport for a new version of the GG45 adapter for the DSX-5000Support for new Tera Permanent Link and Channel adapters for the DSX-8000Improvements to the LWL sync process to support project and sub-projectCable / Spec Database ChangeGeneric OM5 fiberAdded a generic OM5 fiberCommScope cables and limitsAdded LazrSPEED Wideband OM5 fiberAdded SYSTIMAX limitsBelden cables and limitsAdded 4K UHD media cablesUpdated the 4K UHD limitsLegrand + Superior EssexAdded PowerWise/Clarity cablesAdded PowerWise/Clarity 1G & 10G limits ISO 11801-9905Added limits to support the new standardBug FixesDC shield test fails when using a Permanent Link adapter on main and a Patch adapter on remote.With AC Wiremap enabled, there is no “Measure” option when remote is not connected.Low frequency Return Loss errors are being introduced when measurement range is 600MHz and below.Set Reference does not work when using TERA permanent link or channel adapters.Popup to set manual fiber grading not closing when DONE is pressed.Change project screen displays overlapping textReduced the likelihood of NEXT failures when conducting channel testsNew fiber inspection cameras fail good end-facesDouble tap on test setup screen causes tester to rebootVersiv (TFS) Release Notes for Version 5.2 Build 1 (Sept, 2017)Issue Resolved:When there are >500 (approx.) test results stored in a project, viewing the results can hang and reboot the tester.Release v5.2 Build 1 resolves this issue.Versiv (TFS) Release Notes for Version 5.1 Build 4 (May, 2017)New Features/EnhancementsNew status of “Acceptable” for Category 6A patch cord testsAbility to update software from LinkWare Live when the incompatible versions message is displayedSupport for the use of the DSX-PLA001 adapter on the DSX-8000 moduleCable / Spec Database ChangeEL-3600 limits--Updated to match latest revision (version 9) from the Taiwan standards bodyIEC 61300-3-35 2nd Edition--Added fiber limits per the specificationTIA-568.3-DUpdated to account for standard grade TRC'sPatch Cord LimitsAdded >20m TIA C6A cord Limits Added >20m ISO Cat5e, Cat6 and Cat6A patch cord Limits TIA MPTL Limits - Modular Plug Terminated Links--Implemented limits for the new topology introduced in TIA- 568.2-D (Draft) StandardGB50312 - China National Standard--Updated the limits to the newest versionAdded Huawei Cat5e Channel limitsAdded Belden’s 4K UHD Media Cable Channel limitsAdded Extron LimitsAdded Alcadon ECS copper cablesBug FixesTalk does not work using the coax adapter or when using the Main as Smart RemoteThe Versiv / LinkWareLive sync slowed down considerably with version V5.0LinkWare Live sync generates error when trying to overwrite a random label set with > 1300 ID’sCorrected Japanese translationsAborting OTDR test occasionally hangs then reboots the testerChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 5.0 Build 3 (January 2017)1. New Features/Enhancements DSX-8000 CableAnalyzer?The DSX-8000 CableAnalyzer? is the first field tester independently verified and endorsed to meet all the requirements for the Category 8 field testing standard. The DSX-8000 is the latest addition to the Versiv? Cable Certification Family, continuing the Fluke Networks tradition of designing products to help data communications installers more quickly, accurately and profitably achieve system acceptance for copper and fiber jobs.Patch Cord Testing EnhancementsOption to turn Bi-Directional testing ON or OFFOption to disable HDTDX/R (Available for all tests)Option to prevent unsaved test result warning from being displayed (Available for all tests)Long communications on the DSX-5000Enables testing copper links up to 1km (Typically used for spool testing)Automatically switches communications mode based on cable lengthLooping single-tests no longer stop when remote is connected or disconnectedPrevent resistance unbalance measurements when using a bi-directional lab adapterReminder to update remote unit when a software update is installed on the mainAbility to set launch compensation from the home screen2. Cable / Spec Database ChangeTIA Cat 8, ISO/IEC Class IExtended the limits to cover the full 2 GHz rangeIEEE 802.3bz is now officially 2.5GBASE-T & 5GBASE-TNow that the limits are official, removed ‘Draft’ from the nameCorning Optical CommunicationsChanged name that is listed under ‘manufacturers’Custom CertiFiber Pro? Test LimitDefault fiber loss @ 850 nm changed from 3.5 dB/km to 3.0 dB/kmTIA‐568.3‐D updatedMultimode Test Cord Attenuation Allowance (dB) = 0.30 dBISO/IEC Class C through Class FA (+All)TCL and ELTCTL curves are informational for screened cablesAdded copper limits that extend length to 305 m.Based on the 100m ISO limits of the same categoryDE Eval Cat 5e 305m (LA)DE Eval Cat 6 305m (LA)DE Eval Cat 6A 305m (LA)DE Eval Cat 7 305m (LA)DE Eval Cat 7A 305m (LA)DSX-REFMOD 5000 and DSX-REFMOD 8000 added for DSX CableAnalyzer? Series3. Bug FixesReflectance value for APC is now reported as less than the minimum detectable reflectance value rather than “NA”FAIL LED no longer flashes during software update on remote unitCorrected German translationChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.8 Build 1 (June 2016)1. Bug fixesFor DSX patch cord adapters only, Return Loss measurement issue reported - fixedChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.7 Build 4 (June 2016)1. New features/enhancementsSYNC button for LinkWare Live added to HOME screenOnce results are sent to LinkWare Live, you can import them into LinkWare PCIn LinkWare PC, they appear the same as if you had connected via a USB cable2. Cable / Spec Database ChangeUpdated test limits:BNT NBR 14565 (Brazilian) standards added for DSX CableAnalyzeJIS X5150:2016 replaces JIS X5150-2004Added Automotive limits under a new folder - TransportationAre you a manufacturer wanting to add your cables to the DSX/CertiFiber Pro and OptiFiber Pro? Click here for details.3. Bug FixesPinch and zoom can result in the “Asset Tracking Is On” screen appearing – fixedDSX frequency plot cursor will not move to the maximum frequency tested/displayed – fixedWhen deleting all results, if there is more than 1250 results, not all results are deleted – fixedChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.6 Build 2 (March 2016)1. New features/enhancementsPatch cord certification times reducedCategory 6A ≈ 12 seconds (NEXT and Return Loss measured in both directions)Category 6 ≈ 10 seconds (NEXT and Return Loss measured in both directions)Category 5e ≈ 10 seconds (NEXT and Return Loss measured in both directions)Icon added to top of the screen, notifying the user if asset tracking (location of upload) has been turned on in LinkWare LiveNew terms of agreement added for LinkWare Live when logging in for the first time2. Bug FixesSome poorly terminated shield patch cords were incorrectly displayed as open - fixedManual grading of FiberInspector would cause the unit to crash when saving the result - fixedChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.5 Build 2 (January 2016)1. New features/enhancementsIf automated copper diagnostics is available, tab displays FAULT INFO and not DIAGNOSTICSRemembers the last 10 Wi-Fi networks and their passwordsYou can now associate an e-mail address (LinkWare Live user name) with an operator nameLocation of where Versiv was last connected to LinkWare Live (Cloud Service)Will be enabled in February 2016 (there will be an option to disable this in your LinkWare Live account)When deleting results, you will now be advised if they have not been exported 2. Cable / Spec Database ChangeUpdated test limits:Added EN50173 OF-5000 ChannelAdded EN50173 OF-10000 ChannelUpdated length limit for EN50173 Fiber Optic Link with OS2 fiber to 10,000 m Limits with (+All) moved to their TIA or ISO folders(+All) includes the following measurementsBalance Measurements folder removed(+PoE) and (+TCL) limits removed since (+All) is a combination of the twoResistance Unbalance within a pair/between pairsTransverse Conversion Loss (TCL)Equal Level Transverse Conversion Transfer Loss (ELTCTL)Copper twisted pair test limits reduced to make selection easierAdded Class Fa (+All) limitsAdded 2.5GBASE-T and 5GBASE-T draft 1.2 limitsEN50173Added Korean Pre-Deploy 250 MHz Copper LimitAdded Chinese YD/T 1019 twisted pair cable limits – factory testing onlyInformational length limits removed from Voice -1 Pair and Voice - 2 Pair, length is still reportedAdded/updated cable types:DNS twisted pair cables from LANSYST addedRdB twisted pair cables updated Generic U/FTP cables addedAre you a manufacturer wanting to add your cables to the DSX/CertiFiber Pro and OptiFiber Pro? Click here for details.3. Bug FixesGreen pass light on remote now goes out when disconnecting from main unitLooping copper tests longer than 10 minutes with a Wi-Fi dongle installed no longer causes a Connecting hardware test no longer fails Wire Map – this is for use in laboratories onlyTIA Cat 6 (+All) test limit now applies a hard pass/fail to TCL and ELTCTL limitsIn Portuguese, changed the following:Apenas para Aprovado / Reprovado* to Apenas para Aprovado* / ReprovadoDa Ordem de Compra to Separador DecimalVarious translation issuesChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.3 Build 6 (September 2015)1. New features/enhancementsMain unit can be turned into a remote unit (under the TOOLS menu) – allows FiberInspector at far end to be usedResistance Unbalance between pairs added per draft 1.0 of ANSI/TIA-1152-A for all limits with (+PoE) and (+ALL)Custom Outlet Configuration added – no longer need to select TIA-1005 limit for a two pair testAutomated software updates via LinkWare Live for future releasesIncrease Cable ID sets from 20 to 50Support for Unicode characters in Cable IDsAdd the ability to show password when logging into LinkWare LiveScreen resumes quicker after going to sleep2. Cable / Spec Database ChangeUpdated test limits:Cat 5e Mod 1-Conn Perm. Link (+PoE)Cat 6 Mod 1-Conn Perm. Link (+PoE)Cat 6A Mod 1-Conn Perm. Link (+PoE)10GBASE-T + 802.3bt Draft 1.11000BASE-T + 802.3bt Draft 1.1100BASE-TX + 802.3bt Draft 1.110BASE-T + 802.3bt Draft 1.1(+PoE) and (+All) limits now report Resistance Unbalance between pairsIEEE 802.3bt added under Application folder(+PoE) versions of BICSI modified single connector permanent link added under application folderAdd 40GBASE-ER4 noting that it has a minimum and well as maximum loss valueMeasure ALL for laboratory technicians now applies local connector compensation for DSX-CHA004Connector limits added for laboratory technicians under Other folderEnd to End link support for standards bodies working on ISO/IEC 11801-99-2 Working Draft 3Added cable types:DIGITUS ProfessionalLeviton – Outside USMaxaamUpdated cable types:Belden Berk-TekExcel3. Bug FixesManual Entry launch fiber compensation was recorded as Launch + Tail – fixed (Requires LinkWare 9.4 too)Real time trace deletes launch compensation for SmartLoop - fixedCable IDs lists created in LinkWare using extended characters would result in a failed import to Versiv - fixedShield integrity test should only be carried out on links with four pairs – fixedIf there is less than four pairs, a traditional dc shield test is carried outRe-test on fiber bi-directional could point to the incorrect fiber for resaving - fixedSingle Wire Map test under TOOLS does not check for split pairs – fixedRemoving an adapter deleted an unsaved result – fixedBattery status may show a depleted battery when the battery still has plenty of charge (rare occurrence) – fixedOptiFiber Pro may misalign a trace with virtual launch event (rare occurrence) - fixedUnplugging the USB camera after the manual grading visual quality box is displayed causes a crash – fixedRemoving the CertiFiber Pro during the 3 sec. fiber test and re-inserting it issues a requires service message – fixedBlank select wireless list using Asus N10 Nano Wi-Fi adapter – fixedAfter successful URL redirect when connecting to a Wi-Fi hotspot, user was presented with “3.0” – fixedVarious translation fixesChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.2 Build 6 (April 2015)1. Bug fixCustomers updating from Version 2.1 Build 5 (August 2013) or earlier had problems with their fiber modules firmware being updated with Build 5. Build 6 resolves that issue. There are no other changes between Build 5 and Build 6. For customers who keep their units current, there is no issue.Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.2 Build 5 (April 2015)1. New features/enhancementsAutomated IEC 61300‐3‐35 FiberInspector test time now ≈ 1 secondAdditions to automated diagnostics (FAULT INFO) for the DSX‐5000 CableAnalyzer:Insertion Loss fails due to lubricantReturn Loss fails due to water in the cableLocation of DC contact resistance issue when Return Loss failsSupport for additional Wi‐Fi USB adapters:TP‐LINK TL‐WN725N (Versions 1 & 2)ASUS USB N10 NanoNETGEAR WNA1000MWi‐Fi user‐access support (URL redirection and HTTP authentication)Enhance network connectivity screens:Access point strengthLocked and unlocked access points now displayedMAC address of both RJ45 management Port and Wi‐Fi USB adaptersImprovement to the WEP configuration screenPASS* result now shows FIX LATER/TEST AGAIN optionAllow non T568A and T568B Outlet Configurations for patch cord certificationImproved calibration reminders:The initial calibration reminder for a module shipped from the factory will be one year after first use, but no more than 18‐months after the manufactured date in LinkWare PC Version 9.3.2. Cable / Spec Database ChangeUpdated test limits:TIA Coax limit now runs to 1002 MHz.Added cable types:Linxcom Limited LAN CablesDINTEK LAN CABLESGIGANETChanged names:Spezialkabel München becomes SKM Skyline3. Bug FixesVarious translation fixesCrash when running Wire Map in Single Test after using the TALK feature ‐ FixedCoax length is greyed out – FixedChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.1 Build 2 (March 2015)1. Cable / Spec Database ChangeISO/IEC 14763-3:2014 updatedChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.0 Build 3 (November 2014)1. Cable / Spec Database ChangeAdded test limits Measure ALL - this will make every measurement possible to 1 GHzVarious Coax limitsAdded cable typesMETZ CONNECT (BTR)2. New featuresAutomated diagnostics (FAULT INFO) for the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzerSupport for new adapters (Available Dec 2014):DSX-CHA003 COAXDSX-CHA021 M12 D-CodeDSX-CHA012 GG45Improved upload speed for LinkWare LiveIf remote is not detected after ≈ 4 seconds, MEASURE option appears to allow a single ended measurementMoved the @ symbol to the front of keyboardAdded # and + to the keyboardAllow RJ45 to M12 patch cord testing (Requires DSX-PC5ES and DSX-CHA021 adapters)Project Sync ready for LinkWare Live Professional (Jan 2015)3. Bug FixesVarious translation fixesPut units in TALK mode, running Wire Map under Single Tests causes a crash – fixedNo valid DNS would result in “LinkWare Live not available”, now results in “Error, please connect to an active network”Could not cancel large transfers to LinkWare Live – fixedChannel testing a < 0.6 m cord results in the adapter compensation being disabled – fixedSequential IDs longer than 30 characters indicate ID not in list – fixed4. Reported issuesEnabling the talk function, then running Wire Map as a single test under TOOLS > Single tests, causes the unit to crash - fixed for next Version.Changes to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 4.0 Build 3 (November 2014)1. Cable / Spec Database ChangeAdded test limitsMeasure ALL - this will make every measurement possible to 1 GHzNo limit lines or checking for a bad patch cord at the channel adaptersIntended for those working in laboratories with the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzerVarious Coax limitsAdded cable typesMETZ CONNECT (BTR)Are you a manufacturer wanting to add your cables to the DSX/CertiFiber Pro and OptiFiber Pro? Click here for details.2. New featuresAutomated diagnostics (FAULT INFO) for the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzerSupport for new adapters (Available Dec 2014):DSX-CHA003 COAXDSX-CHA021 M12 D-CodeDSX-CHA012 GG45Improved upload speed for LinkWare LiveIf remote is not detected after ≈ 4 seconds, MEASURE option appears to allow a single ended measurementMoved the @ symbol to the front of keyboardAdded # and + to the keyboardAllow RJ45 to M12 patch cord testing (Requires DSX-PC5ES and DSX-CHA021 adapters)Project Sync ready for LinkWare Live Professional (Jan 2015)3. Bug FixesVarious translation fixesPut units in TALK mode, running Wire Map under Single Tests causes a crash – fixedNo valid DNS would result in “LinkWare Live not available”, now results in “Error, please connect to an active network”Could not cancel large transfers to LinkWare Live – fixedChannel testing a < 0.6 m cord results in the adapter compensation being disabled – fixedSequential IDs longer than 30 characters indicate ID not in list – fixedChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 3.0 Build 6 (May 2014)1. Cable / Spec Database ChangeAdded test limitsISO C6 Cable 100m (LA)ISO C6 PCable 100m (LA)ISO C5e Cable 100m (LA)Draft TIA Cat 6A Patch Cord limitsUpdated test limitsISO C5ePCable 100m (LA)ISO C6PCable 100m (LA)ISO C6A PCable 100m (LA)ISO C7 PCable 100m (LA)ISO C7A PCable 100m (LA)Korean Pre-Deploy Res. SM translation fixedALANTECCCT PremiseAdded cable typesAre you a manufacturer wanting to add your cables to the DSX/CertiFiber Pro and OptiFiber Pro? Click here for details.2. New featuresWarns user if results have not been exported if they try and delete themRemote storage*To enable beta testing, we have added this option to both Versiv and LinkWare.****Remote storage will currently work for select beta customers only****Improved pinch and zoom3. Bug FixesVarious translation fixesIncorrect display of PSNEXT for two pair tests – fixed (Requires LinkWare 9.0 too)SAVE option may not display on SINGLE TESTS when SCAN OFF is selected – fixedCONTINUE and FIX LATER options missing after Wire Map fails on AUTOTEST and SCAN ON is used – fixedSingle ended Wire Map test would not show short to shield – fixedIncorrect error message when setting a reference on CertiFiber Pro if a wavelength is not present – fixedProduct registration database in Versiv could not handle more than 100 modules – fixedDifferent IR values between wavelengths in OptiFiber Pro could result in Event Table length issues – fixedCurrently selected test may not be visible on CHANGE TEST window – fixedManual Entry launch compensation can result in a too short Range setting – fixedModule hardware version is not shown on Version Information screen – fixedResults screen is not updated when importing results back in from a USB Drive – fixedAfter Importing results from USB Drive, tapping MANAGE button on Results screen does nothing – fixedOn the View All screen, the TRANSFER button did not give an audible click – fixedTwo pair copper test, view NEXT then tap < or > on either side of Pair to cause a crash – fixedCable ID pop-up message stating that an ID entered that is not in list when greater than 30 characters – fixedImporting a new project from a USB Drive is not shown until you refresh the screen - fixedChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 2.3 Build 2 (December 2013)1. Cable / Spec Database ChangeAdded test limitsCat 6A Mod 1-Conn Perm. LinkProfinet 2pr E2E limitAdded cable typesKRUGEL EXIMKElineEurolan cable 2. New FeaturesProduct Registration support (via LinkWare 8.2).Single test / scanning troubleshooting tools for copper. (Wiremap, Length and Resistance).Tone Generator functionality (includes wake-up of unit on the other end).DSX-PLA001 supportPatch Cord Adapter support (5e, 6 and 6A adapters coming end Q1 2014).3. Bug FixesIncorrect Russian Translations - fixedIncorrect delay skew calculations for 2 pair applications - fixedDSX issues bad patch cord warning when DTX does not - fixedCan't run test with lab adapter spec when CHA004 channel adapter is attached - fixedCopper LIA Version Info should not include calibration date - fixedChanges to DSX CableAnalyzer Version 2.1 Build 5 (August 2013)1. Cable / Spec Database ChangeRenamed limits ending in - PoE to (+PoE) to be consistent with other test limit names - no change in limit values Added to cable libraryAT & T Cabling SystemsDINTEK LAN CABLESSOLARIXQUBIXVOKA CableUpdated cable libraryHCS-DataLinkNexansDatwyler2. New FeaturesAdded Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Swedish and Turkish languages3. Bug FixesVarious language translation issues fixed...
如今的多千兆互聯(lián)網(wǎng)計劃正在迅速超過(guò)當前的WiFi技術(shù)速度。因此,為了幫助解決這個(gè)問(wèn)題,WiFi 7(也稱(chēng)為 802.11be)承諾數據速率比 WiFi 6/6E 可以實(shí)現的數據速率高四倍。新標準被稱(chēng)為 EHT 的極高吞吐量,有望以更快的速度、更好的干擾規避為家庭和企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡(luò )提供真正的多千兆位 WiFi 吞吐量,從而為 8K 視頻流、多千兆文件下載、虛擬現實(shí) (VR)、增強現實(shí) (AR) 和云游戲等高帶寬活動(dòng)提供更好的性能。WiFi 7 有望將最大數據速率從 9.6 Gbps 提高到令人難以置信的 46.4 Gbps!PART 01WiFi 7 將如何實(shí)現這些更高的速度?最重要的是,我們真的會(huì )在現實(shí)世界中看到這些速度,還是都是營(yíng)銷(xiāo)炒作?讓我們首先回顧一下 WiFi 7 期望如何實(shí)現這些更高的數據速率。WiFi 7 的主要特點(diǎn)WiFi 7 中包含的許多新功能旨在建立在前幾代 WiFi 引入的功能之上,其主要目的不僅是提高 WiFi 網(wǎng)絡(luò )速度,而且顯著(zhù)減少延遲并提高可靠性。以下是 WiFi 7 引入的一些最重要的增強功能,以及它們如何幫助實(shí)現更高的速度:20 MHz 信道 – 就像卡車(chē)允許您攜帶比轎車(chē)更多的箱子一樣,更大的 WiFi 信道允許您比較小的信道同時(shí)傳輸更多的數據,從而提高吞吐量。因此,WiFi 7 引入了 320 MHz 信道寬度(在允許使用整個(gè) 6 GHz 頻段的國家/地區總共有三個(gè)),與使用 160 MHz 信道寬度的網(wǎng)絡(luò )相比,這在技術(shù)上使可以傳輸的數據量增加了一倍。6 GHz 頻段的 1.2 GHz 頻譜使 320 MHz 信道成為可能,并允許更多 AP 在擁擠的站點(diǎn)中運行。PART024K QAM – 使用 WiFi 7,我們將獲得一個(gè)新的 4096-QAM 調制選項,與 WiFi 6/6E 支持的 1024-QAM 相比,它使 WiFi 信號能夠更密集地嵌入更多數據(這就像能夠通過(guò)重新組織里面的東西將更多東西裝進(jìn)一個(gè)已經(jīng)裝滿(mǎn)的盒子里)。這一改進(jìn)將使 WiFi 7 設備一次傳輸的數據增加 20%,這有助于提高吞吐量。PART 03多鏈路操作 (MLO)– 雖然傳統 WiFi 提供對多個(gè)無(wú)線(xiàn)頻段的訪(fǎng)問(wèn),但設備通常只選擇一個(gè)頻段進(jìn)行傳輸。借助 MLO,WiFi 7 設備將能夠同時(shí)連接兩個(gè)頻段,這使其能夠通過(guò)使用以下兩種方法之一充分利用所有可用頻段(2.4 Ghz、5 GHz 和 6 GHz):增強型多鏈路單射頻 (EMLSR) – 使用 EMLSR 時(shí),兩個(gè)頻段可以同時(shí)使用以共享冗余/唯一數據,以提高可靠性和低而精確的延遲。這是通過(guò)在頻段之間自動(dòng)切換來(lái)實(shí)現的,以避免網(wǎng)絡(luò )流量,并在您超出一個(gè)頻段范圍時(shí)保持連接。這就像在繁忙的高速公路上行駛時(shí)變道一樣。如果一條車(chē)道上的交通量太大,您可以移動(dòng)到不太繁忙的車(chē)道。PART04多鏈路多無(wú)線(xiàn)電 (MLMR)– 使用 MLMR 時(shí),可以同時(shí)使用兩個(gè)頻段,以通過(guò)聚合實(shí)現更快的速度。這使得 WiFi 7 在技術(shù)上可以通過(guò)一個(gè)頻段發(fā)送一半的數據,并通過(guò)第二個(gè)頻段發(fā)送另一半數據,從而將您的吞吐量提高一倍。再次使用運輸類(lèi)比,如果您使用兩輛卡車(chē)而不是一輛卡車(chē)(每輛卡車(chē)裝載不同的包裹),您能夠交付的包裹數量將增加一倍。PART 05簡(jiǎn)單來(lái)說(shuō),MLO 旨在通過(guò)聚合數據、減少延遲和提高可靠性來(lái)確保以最大速度交付數據。多資源單元 (RU) 和穿刺 – 使用傳統 WiFi,當信道的任何部分(20 MHz、40 MHz、80 MHz、160 MHz 或 320 MHz 信道寬度)被另一臺設備使用時(shí),整個(gè)信道不可用。因此,數據傳輸必須等待,或者必須使用不同的信道來(lái)防止干擾。同時(shí),借助 Multi RU 和 Puncturing,WiFi 7 設備將能夠使用同一信道中未使用的其他部分。這是通過(guò)將寬通道分割成更小的資源單元,以及刺穿(阻塞)無(wú)法使用的資源單元來(lái)實(shí)現的,目標是提高數據傳輸效率,這有助于提高速度。例如,多資源單元就像有一條非常寬的高速公路,一次只允許一輛車(chē)通過(guò)它,然后將這條高速公路分成多條車(chē)道,以便更多的車(chē)輛可以平行地通過(guò)它。同時(shí),爆胎就像在一條高速公路車(chē)道上發(fā)生事故,而不是阻止整條高速公路上的交通,你只是封鎖了發(fā)生事故的車(chē)道,讓車(chē)輛繼續在其他車(chē)道上行駛。PART 0616×16 MU-MIMO– WiFi 6 引入了對 8×8 MU-MIMO 的支持,以增加您可以同時(shí)與之通信的設備數量,并有助于提高通信效率?,F在,WiFi 7 有望增加對多達 16×16 個(gè)空間流的支持。這意味著(zhù) AP 可以使用多達 16 根天線(xiàn)同時(shí)與多個(gè)客戶(hù)端設備通信,或聚合數據并提高吞吐量。這就像走一條 16 車(chē)道的高速公路(單程 8 車(chē)道)并增加 16 條車(chē)道(單程 16 車(chē)道),允許更多的汽車(chē)同時(shí)通過(guò)高速公路。PART 07現在您已經(jīng)對 WiFi 7 將引入的一些最大增強功能有了更多了解,您可能想知道這些功能中有多少可以在現實(shí)世界中發(fā)揮作用,以及其中有多少最終會(huì )在企業(yè)或家庭環(huán)境中普遍使用。好吧,這就是現實(shí):320 MHz 信道 – 320 MHz 信道寬度將大大提高您的 WiFi 網(wǎng)絡(luò )吞吐量,但會(huì )存在一些問(wèn)題:根據您所在的地區,您在 6 GHz 頻段中可能只有足夠的空間用于一個(gè) 320 Mhz 信道。由于可用的信道數量有限,預計 320 MHz 信道將很少用于企業(yè)環(huán)境。盡管如此,它們仍可能成為家用路由器的默認選項。使用較小信道的 AP 或住宅路由器可能會(huì )干擾任何使用 320 MHz 信道寬度的網(wǎng)絡(luò ),從而降低網(wǎng)絡(luò )吞吐量。話(huà)雖如此,AP 和路由器供應商可以通過(guò)使用多 RU 和穿刺來(lái)解決此問(wèn)題,這可以使 320 MHz 信道可用,至少在家庭環(huán)境中是這樣。PART 084K QAM – 當涉及到新的 4K QAM 調制時(shí),它還將有助于提高您的 WiFi 網(wǎng)絡(luò )吞吐量。但問(wèn)題是,要使 WiFi 7 設備能夠使用 4K QAM,您需要 41dBm 或更高的 SNR,這基本上意味著(zhù)您需要非??拷?AP 或路由器。正因為如此,4K QAM調制預計主要在家庭環(huán)境中工作,并且只有當您的WiFi 7設備離家庭路由器足夠近時(shí)。多鏈路操作 – 多鏈路操作是 WiFi 7 引入的最有前途的增強功能之一,因為它不僅可以通過(guò)聚合數據,還可以通過(guò)降低網(wǎng)絡(luò )延遲和提高可靠性來(lái)提高網(wǎng)絡(luò )速度。但是,預計大多數企業(yè)網(wǎng)絡(luò )AP將使用EMLSR,而MLMR將降級為家庭路由器。原因是要使MLMR正常工作,需要相當多的同步,這在繁忙的RF環(huán)境中可能是一個(gè)問(wèn)題。例如,假設您將聚合來(lái)自 5 GHz 和 6 GHz 頻段的數據,但 5 GHz 頻段比 6 GHz 頻段繁忙得多。由于來(lái)自?xún)蓚€(gè)頻段的數據需要同步才能正確聚合,因此 6 GHz 上的無(wú)線(xiàn)電必須等待 5 GHz 上的無(wú)線(xiàn)電準備好傳輸。如果 5 GHz 頻段上的傳輸因干擾或繁忙的射頻環(huán)境而延遲,那么 6 GHz 頻段上的傳輸也會(huì )延遲,這可能會(huì )降低您的整體 WiFi 網(wǎng)絡(luò )吞吐量。多RU和穿刺 – 多RU和穿刺是對WiFi技術(shù)的一個(gè)非常有前途的改進(jìn)。原因是它允許使用更寬的信道,即使它們受到干擾的影響。如前所述,這是通過(guò)將較大的信道劃分為較小的資源單元并刺穿(不使用)受干擾或其他源影響的資源單元來(lái)實(shí)現的。注意:多 RU 和穿刺可能有助于自動(dòng)頻率協(xié)調 (AFC),因為它可以通過(guò)穿透其他技術(shù)(現有技術(shù))使用 6 Ghz 頻段使用的信道,允許您在室外部署中使用更寬的信道,從而有助于防止干擾它們。16×16 MU-MIMO – 擁有一個(gè)帶有 16 根天線(xiàn)的 AP 或家用路由器可能聽(tīng)起來(lái)很有希望,因為它確實(shí)有助于提高 WiFi 網(wǎng)絡(luò )吞吐量,但我們可能不會(huì )在現實(shí)世界中看到很多天線(xiàn)。主要原因是外形尺寸;試想一下,一個(gè) AP 或家用路由器需要多大才能安裝 16 根天線(xiàn)(如果是外部天線(xiàn),則更多)。事實(shí)上,具有 8 根天線(xiàn)的 AP 已經(jīng)可以被認為是巨大的。那么,客戶(hù)端設備呢?好吧,由于外形尺寸(手機或平板電腦內部空間有限)和電源要求(電池壽命有限),預計大多數客戶(hù)端設備將繼續僅包含 1 或 2 根天線(xiàn)。結論總之,WiFi 7 是 802.11 技術(shù)的一個(gè)有前途的新版本,看起來(lái)它確實(shí)有可能幫助提高無(wú)線(xiàn)網(wǎng)絡(luò )吞吐量,但可能沒(méi)有營(yíng)銷(xiāo)炒作讓你想象的那么多。盡管它承諾數據速率高達 46.4 Gbps,但早期的實(shí)驗室測試表明,使用普通移動(dòng)設備可能獲得的最高吞吐量為 5 Gbps。最重要的是,這種更高的吞吐量可能僅適用于家庭網(wǎng)絡(luò ),因為 WiFi 7 引入的許多新功能在企業(yè)環(huán)境中效果不佳。當然,眼見(jiàn)為實(shí),因此,在更多 WiFi 7 認證的 AP、家用路由器和客戶(hù)端可用于家庭和企業(yè)環(huán)境之前,我們無(wú)法確定。注意:本文寫(xiě)于 2023 年 11 月,基于當時(shí)可用的信息,IEEE 802.11be 標準尚未獲得批準,預計要到 2024 年底才能完全批準。作者簡(jiǎn)介——胡里奧·彼得羅維奇產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理 - 無(wú)線(xiàn)Julio Petrovitch 是 NetAlly 的產(chǎn)品經(jīng)理,擁有CWNA/CWAP/CWDP/CWSP 認證證書(shū)。他在網(wǎng)絡(luò )設計、測試和驗證方面擁有超過(guò) 15 年的工作經(jīng)驗。在他的整個(gè)職業(yè)生涯中,他有機會(huì )使用多種網(wǎng)絡(luò )技術(shù),包括 POTS、DSL、銅纜/光纖以太網(wǎng)、Wi-Fi、藍牙和 BLE。...
以下值為近似值,根據材料的實(shí)際表面和條件不同可能會(huì )有所變化。材料發(fā)射率1.0μm1.6μm8-14μm鋁未氧化0.1-0.20.02-0.2n.r.氧化0.40.40.2-0.4鋁合金A3003氧化n.r.0.40.3毛面0.2-0.80.2-0.60.1-0.3光面0.1-0.20.02-0.1n.r.黃銅光面0.8-0.950.01-0.05n.r.砑光面n.r.n.r.0.3氧化0.60.60.5鉻0.40.4n.r.銅光面n.r.0.03n.r.毛面n.r.0.05-0.2n.r.氧化0.2-0.80.2-0.90.4-0.8電氣接線(xiàn)端子n.r.n.r.0.6金0.30.01-0.1n.r.Haynes合金0.5-0.90.6-0.90.3-0.8鉻鎳鐵合金氧化0.4-0.90.6-0.90.7-.95噴砂0.3-0.40.3-0.60.3-0.6電拋光面0.2-鐵氧化0.4-0.80.5-0.90.5-0.9未氧化0.350.1-0.3n.r.鐵銹n.r.0.6-0.90.5-0.7熔融0.350.4-0.6n.r.鐵,鑄鐵氧化0.7-0.90.7-0.90.6-0.95未氧化0.350.30.2熔融.0350.3-0.40.2-0.3鐵,鍛造鈍鐵0.90.90.9鉛光面0.350.05-0.2n.r.毛面0.650.60.4氧化n.r.0.3-0.70.2-0.6鎂0.3-0.80.05-0.3n.r.汞n.r.0.05-0.15n.r.鉬氧化0.5-0.90.4-0.90.2-0.6未氧化0.25-0.350.1-0.35鎳氧化0.8-0.90.4-0.70.2-0.5電解0.2-0.040.1-0.3n.r.鉑黑n.r.0.950.9銀n.r.0.02.n.r鋼冷軋0.8-0.90.8-0.90.7-0.9地墊n.r.n.r.0.4-0.6光澤鋼片0.350.250.1熔融0.350.25-0.4n.r.氧化0.8-0.90.8-0.90.7-0.9不銹鋼0.350.2-0.90.1-0.8錫(未氧化)0.250.1-0.3n.r.鈦光面0.5-0.750.3-0.5n.r.氧化n.r.0.6-0.80.5-0.6鎢n.r.0.1-0.6n.r.光面0.35-0.40.1-0.3n.r.鋅氧化0.60.150.1光面0.50.05n.r.n.r.=不推薦為了優(yōu)化表面溫度測量準確度:確定物體的發(fā)射率以及用于測量的設備的光譜范圍。將被測對象與周?chē)臒嵩雌帘伍_(kāi),避免反射。對于溫度較高的物體,盡可能使用較短波長(cháng)的設備。對于半透明材料,例如塑料膜或玻璃,確保背景均勻且溫度低于被測對象。當發(fā)射率低于0.9時(shí),使設備垂直于物體表面。在任何情況下,入射角都不得超過(guò)30°。對于1M和2M型號,避免在高環(huán)境光照條件下進(jìn)行測量。...
以下值為近似值,根據材料的實(shí)際表面和條件不同可能會(huì )有所變化。材料發(fā)射率1.0 μm5.0 μm7.9 μm8-14 μm石棉0.90.90.950.95瀝青n.r.0.90.950.95黑陶瓷n.r.碳未氧化0.8-0.950.8-0.90.8-0.90.8-0.9石墨0.8-0.90.7-0.90.7-0.80.7-0.8碳化硅n.r.陶瓷0.40.85-0.950.950.95黏土n.r.0.85-0.950.950.95混凝土0.650.90.950.95布料n.r.0.950.950.95玻璃平板n.r.0.980.850.85玻璃坯n.r.0.9n.r.n.r.沙礫n.r.0.950.950.95石膏n.r.0.4-0.970.8-0.950.8-0.95冰n.r.0.980.98石灰巖n.r.0.4-0.980.980.98涂料(非鋁)0.9-0.950.9-0.95紙張(任何顏色)n.r.0.950.950.95塑料不透明n.r.0.950.950.95大于20密耳n.r.橡膠n.r.0.90.950.95沙子n.r.雪n.r.0.90.9泥土n.r.0.9-0.980.9-0.98水n.r.0.930.93木頭,(天然)n.r.0.9-0.950.9-0.950.9-0.95n.r.n.r.=不推薦為了優(yōu)化表面溫度測量準確度:確定物體的發(fā)射率以及用于測量的設備的光譜范圍。將被測對象與周?chē)臒嵩雌帘伍_(kāi),避免反射。對于溫度較高的物體,盡可能使用較短波長(cháng)的設備。對于半透明材料,例如塑料膜或玻璃,確保背景均勻且溫度低于被測對象。當發(fā)射率低于0.9時(shí),使設備垂直于物體表面。在任何情況下,入射角都不得超過(guò)30°。...
紅外 (IR) 溫度計是一種通過(guò)檢測和量化測量目標發(fā)射的紅外輻射能量來(lái)確定物體溫度的傳感器。紅外溫度計非常像人的眼睛。眼睛的晶狀體就像光學(xué)元件,物體發(fā)出的輻射(光子流)在大氣中通過(guò)該元件到達光敏層(視網(wǎng)膜),然后被轉化為信號并被傳送到大腦。圖 3 顯示了紅外測溫系統的工作原理。各種形式的物質(zhì)只要溫度高于絕對零度(-273.15°C / -459.8°F),都會(huì )根據其溫度發(fā)射紅外輻射,稱(chēng)為特征輻射。輻射的原因在于內部分子的機械運動(dòng)。這種運動(dòng)的強度取決于物體的溫度。由于分子運動(dòng)代表電荷位移,這種輻射是電磁輻射(光子粒子)。 這些光子以光速運動(dòng),且運行規律符合已知的光學(xué)原理。它們可以被偏轉,用透鏡聚焦或被反射表面反射。這種輻射的光譜范圍為 0.7 至 1000μm。因此,這種輻射通常用肉眼看不到,見(jiàn)圖 4。然而,光譜中人眼不可見(jiàn)部分所包含的能量是可見(jiàn)部分的 100,000 倍。這正是紅外測量技術(shù)的理論依據。從圖 5 中可以看出,隨著(zhù)目標溫度的升高,輻射量逐漸向波段較短的區域移動(dòng),且物體在不同溫度下的輻射曲線(xiàn)相互不重疊。整個(gè)波長(cháng)范圍內的輻射能量(每條曲線(xiàn)下方的區域)增長(cháng)至溫度的四次方。這些關(guān)系由 Stefan 和 Boltzmann 于 1879 年發(fā)現,標明可以從輻射信號中測量出明確的溫度。圖 5 顯示了物體在不同溫度下的典型輻射。如前所述,物體在高溫下會(huì )發(fā)出少量可見(jiàn)光。因此,每個(gè)人都可以看到物體在非常高溫的環(huán)境下(600°C 以上)發(fā)出紅色到白色的光線(xiàn)。經(jīng)驗豐富的鋼鐵工人甚至可以從顏色上非常準確地估算出鋼鐵的溫度。從 20 世紀 30 年代開(kāi)始,鋼鐵行業(yè)便開(kāi)始使用經(jīng)典的隱絲式高溫計。從圖 5 中可以看出,應以此為目標:盡可能在寬的范圍內設置紅外溫度計,以獲取更多的能量(對應于曲線(xiàn)下方的區域)或者目標發(fā)出的信號。然而,在某些情況下,這種做法并不總是有利的。例如,在圖 5 中,當溫度升高是,輻射強度在 2 μm 處增加量遠遠高于在 10 μm 處的。每單位溫差下的輻射差異越大,紅外溫度計的測量精度便越高。根據維恩位移定律(Wien's Displacement Law),隨著(zhù)溫度的升高,物體的輻射量最大值將向短波方向移動(dòng),因此,波長(cháng)范圍將取決于高溫計的溫度測量范圍。在低溫環(huán)境下,在 2 μm 處工作的紅外溫度計將在溫度低于 600°C 時(shí)由于輻射能量太少而幾乎看不到任何東西,從而停止工作。使用針對不同波長(cháng)范圍的測量?jì)x器的另一個(gè)原因在于一些被稱(chēng)為非灰體(玻璃、金屬和塑料薄膜)的材料的輻射率模式。圖 5 顯示了理想材料——所謂黑體的輻射情況。然而,許多物體在相同溫度下會(huì )發(fā)出少量的輻射。實(shí)際輻射量與黑體的輻射量的比稱(chēng)為(ε)輻射率 ,輻射率的最大值為 1(與理想的黑體相對應的物體),最小值為 0。輻射率小于 1 的物體被稱(chēng)為灰體。輻射率還取決于溫度和波長(cháng)的物體被稱(chēng)為非灰體。此外,輻射的總和包括被吸收部分 (A)、被反射部分 (R) 和透射部分 (T) ,等于 1。(請參見(jiàn)下面的公式和圖 6)A + R + T = 1 (1) 實(shí)心體不會(huì )透射紅外光 (T = 0)。根據基爾霍夫定律,物體吸收的所有輻射(導致物體溫度升高)之后將被該物體輻射出去。則對于吸收率和輻射率來(lái)說(shuō):A ? E = 1 – R (2) T理想的黑體也不會(huì )發(fā)生反射 (R = 0),所以 E = 1。許多非金屬材料,如木材、塑料、橡膠、有機材料、巖石或混凝土的表面很少發(fā)生反射,因此其輻射率通常較高,在 0.8 和 0.95 之間(參見(jiàn)大多數常見(jiàn)材料的輻射率值列表)。相比之下,金屬材料 - 特別是那些表面經(jīng)過(guò)拋光處理或者表面光亮的金屬 -它 的發(fā)射率約為 0.1。紅外測溫儀通過(guò)提供可自主設定發(fā)射率參數的功能項來(lái)彌補這一點(diǎn),另請參見(jiàn)圖 7(see 參見(jiàn)大多數金屬的輻射率值)。我們的應用工程師可以針對您的目標材料、溫度范圍和應用類(lèi)型,幫助您選擇合適的紅外測溫傳感器。...
什么是熱處理?熱處理是指利用加熱或冷卻來(lái)獲得預期的結果,例如材料的硬化或軟化。熱處理技術(shù)包括退火、表面硬化、析出強化、回火、正火和淬火。在熱處理行業(yè)中,通常有兩種類(lèi)型的業(yè)務(wù),第一種是專(zhuān)用熱處理設備,它們是企業(yè)內部大型制造設施和熱處理部件的組成部分。第二種是商業(yè)熱處理設備,作為分包服務(wù)向各種客戶(hù)和市場(chǎng)提供熱處理。商業(yè)熱處理業(yè)務(wù)會(huì )處理許多不同種類(lèi)、形狀和尺寸各異的材料。有時(shí)加熱工藝是多階段的,并且會(huì )在多個(gè)不同類(lèi)型的加熱爐中進(jìn)行以獲得預期的性能。但這會(huì )帶來(lái)許多問(wèn)題,首先,監控所有被加工部件的工藝溫度是不切實(shí)際的,有時(shí)也是不可能的。其次,一些熱處理工藝如果不能妥善實(shí)施,則將導致產(chǎn)品的性能不符合要求。而通常,熱處理屬于精加工工藝,這就可能導致部件不合格或者被廢棄,而廢棄這些部件的成本非常高。尤其航空航天和汽車(chē)行業(yè)更是如此。那么,工藝工程師如何確保用于加工零件的設備能達到預期目標呢?對“加工后”的部件進(jìn)行測試就會(huì )知道加工處理是否成功,但為了避免不必要的廢棄和返工,就需要在加工部件前知道加工是否能夠取得成功。要做到這一點(diǎn),就需要制定一套設備測試方案,利用該方案對加熱爐進(jìn)行分析,然后將這種分析結果應用到工藝規范中。這反過(guò)來(lái)也可以確保用于加工部件的設備能夠高效運行,從而獲得可重復且一致的結果,滿(mǎn)足最終客戶(hù)的應用需求。這些加熱爐分類(lèi)規范通常被稱(chēng)為高溫測量規范。航空航天和汽車(chē)工業(yè)中的高溫測量規范這兩個(gè)行業(yè)中存在多種高溫測量規范。例如,在航空航天工業(yè)中,有 OEM 客戶(hù)編寫(xiě)的 BAC 5621 和 RPS 953,還有 BS 2M 54 和 DIN 17052-1 等國家標準。汽車(chē)行業(yè)也有類(lèi)似的標準。然而,本文將重點(diǎn)介紹航空航天工業(yè)(即 AMS 2750)和汽車(chē)工業(yè)(CQI-9)中廣泛采用的兩種規范。這兩個(gè)規范都包含若干個(gè)部分,分別列出了對儀表、熱加工設備、熱電偶、溫度均勻性測量 (TUS) 和系統精度測試 (SAT) 的要求。設備分類(lèi)(儀表)CQI-9CQI-9 中對儀表的要求不如 AMS 2750 中那么嚴格。關(guān)鍵的要求是對控制加熱爐的儀器進(jìn)行校準,并可追溯至國家標準??刂苾x器測量的溫度還必須由單獨的記錄儀器進(jìn)行記錄。對于特定工藝,工藝表 A-H 列出了更嚴格的儀器要求。CQI-9 中的工藝表列出了針對特定工藝的最小容差要求(參見(jiàn) CQI-9 中附錄)。AMS 2750AMS 2750 中對于儀表的要求更為詳細。該規范將儀表分為了五種類(lèi)型 A-E。每種儀表類(lèi)型所需的儀器和傳感器如下圖所示:每種傳感器類(lèi)型的定義可參見(jiàn)上圖。加熱爐溫度容限針對給定產(chǎn)品的溫度容限要求通常在工藝規范中的材料要求部分予以規定,在某些情況下則會(huì )在圖紙上列出。加熱爐溫度容限的評估通過(guò)實(shí)施 TUS 來(lái)完成,TUS 將在本位后面部分予以介紹。一旦確定好后,該容限(在 AMS 2750 中則為儀表分類(lèi))將影響儀表校準、未來(lái) TUS 和 SAT 測試的頻率和精度要求。AMS 2750 中并未列出適用于特定工藝的溫度容限,但提供了工藝規范通常引用的加熱爐類(lèi)別的容限范圍表,如下所示:熱電偶Cqi9 和 AMS2750 均詳細說(shuō)明了每種熱電偶的校準頻率和精度以及使用限制。CQI-9 和 AMS 2750 在具體規定方面存在差異,具體取決于熱電偶的功能以及熱電偶類(lèi)型和使用溫度。溫度均勻性檢測 (TUS)溫度均勻性檢測用于評估加熱爐工作區域內的溫度變化。熱電偶通常采用盒式或柱式結構進(jìn)行配置。所需的熱電偶數量取決于工作空間的體積和加熱爐的類(lèi)別。使用了特定的現場(chǎng)測試儀器來(lái)記錄 TUS 傳感器(并非工藝記錄器)輸出的信息。該檢測需要至少 30 分鐘的良好數據(以 2 分鐘或更短的間隔進(jìn)行記錄)。將在后面討論的連續式加熱爐是個(gè)例外。熱電偶的典型配置圖如下所示:檢測期間的關(guān)鍵點(diǎn)(如下圖所示)P1 - 監控開(kāi)始。這時(shí),第一個(gè)熱電偶穿過(guò)監控閾值線(xiàn)。這是曲線(xiàn)起始點(diǎn),也是圖表上的第一個(gè)標記點(diǎn)。從這點(diǎn)開(kāi)始捕獲數據。P2 - 最后一個(gè)熱電偶超過(guò)容限設定值。P3 - 穩定期開(kāi)始。所有熱電偶均在容限范圍內,未偏離設定值。P4 - 穩定期結束。該點(diǎn)被定義為 P3 +測量周期,是曲線(xiàn)結束的點(diǎn),也是圖標上的第三個(gè)標記點(diǎn)。 這也是數據表的結尾。在穩定期內至少需要捕獲30分鐘的數據。系統精度測試 (SAT)為了評估整個(gè)測量系統的精確性,可使用獨立的設備系統(現場(chǎng)測試儀器和校準后的 SAT熱電偶)進(jìn)行 SAT 測試。在靠近工作區域熱電偶的位置放置一個(gè)測試熱電偶,兩者之間的差異便可以很好地說(shuō)明熱電偶和儀器設置的精確度??偨Y用于航空航天和汽車(chē)工業(yè)用零部件制造的熱處理工藝受行業(yè)和國家標準的嚴格監管。為了遵守這些規定,必須使用校準后的可追蹤設備準確測量過(guò)程并記錄結果。對于靜態(tài)或間歇式工藝,這可利用加熱爐外的設備完成;但是在許多情況下,可以使用“全過(guò)程”測溫設備來(lái)節省時(shí)間。在傳送帶式熱處理工藝中,普遍認為傳送式(工藝中)溫度測繪設備是安全、容易使用和準確的解決方案。航空航天真空熱處理服務(wù)是對一種材料進(jìn)行加熱和冷卻的過(guò)程,適用于汽車(chē)、醫療、電子等行業(yè)...